
There is a huge variety of housing available commercially for rats, both metal and plastic based. Some of the commercially available cages are composed of a series of tubes linking different nesting and exercise areas; others are more basic, with the design essentially a square box, with added levels and ladders to enhance interest.

It is important to remember that rats must chew, and that whatever the housing you select, it must be well ventilated and easily cleanable. Any doors or lids should be tight fitting and rat-proof.

Rats are very sociable animals, and so will often be housed in groups. If this is the case, ensure that there are ample nesting areas for all the rats to have a choice, some may prefer sleeping away from others.

Rats are very intelligent, inquisitive creatures. Providing plenty of toys (which can be as simple as the centres of kitchen rolls), will ensure they are kept occupied, and encourage exercise.

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